Thursday, February 8, 2007

Democracy at Work

Just so I'm clear. The spineless non-binding resolution meant to voice opposition to the troop surge, proposed by the democrats, was rejected by the republicans. The republicans propose their own non-binding resolution, not only toothless but spineless as well, to hint at the possibility that they too have opposing views regarding the troop surge. The democrats, eager to make a statement, agreed to the weaker (republican) non-binding resolution. Next came the time to debate the resolution and after the votes were counted the republicans voted against debating the resolution. Included in the republican "nay" column were the very republicans who drafted the resolution. The republicans blocked the resolution, preventing it from even being discussed. Without discussion it can't be voted on. Okay. Now the republicans, many of the same who voted against the non-binding resolution, are saying they will do what is necessary to open debate about the resolution/Iraq war. I don't understand. What did I just say?

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