Tuesday, February 20, 2007

On This Day in Black History...

Finally, the court has ruled in favor of lifting one foot off the neck of indentured servant, O.J. Simpson. The wrongful death verdict, given more as a consolation prize for white America than a ruling in the name of justice, awarded 33.5 million dollars to Fred Goldman amounted to nothing less than indentured servitude. The white rage has subsided enough to give Mr. Goldman all money generated from O.J.'s previous movies, films and whatnot, the residuals. Future earnings are now out of bounds as it should be. The court's ruling is really saying to Mr. Goldman,"sorry for your loss but you have to let go now." I do hope today's event gives him some peace.

Simpson was acquitted like it or not and that should be that. O.J. reached new unchartered judicial heights, live and in living color in front of everybody. He broke the justice barrier by getting an acquittal the old fashioned way, he paid for it. This is a black "first" how serendipitous that today's ruling should happen while we are celebrating Black History Month, however, this is one that won't go down in the books if you know what I mean.

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