Friday, March 23, 2007

Zip Code Restricted Diet.

Rat poison was found to be the killer ingredient in the nationally distributed pet food. Again, one company creating most of the pet food, under various popular and not so popular brand names, 95 million cans and pouches have been recalled. They are acknowledging 15 deaths because of this contamination and we know they're low balling the number of fatalities. I do remember the e. coli tainted spinach that found it's way to the dinner tables nation wide. Sadly, I just found out this morning that the tainted spinach was from a farm here in California. This too was from one company serving the masses. If I'm not mistaken, Taco Bell had some sort of national bacteria scare because of centralized distribution of ingredients. If you squint your eyes and tilt your head a little to the right you might see a pattern. These types of mishaps are becoming more frequent and I suspect a major loss of human life will have to happen before improved quality control procedures are put in place. Local farmer's markets are looking more appealing. Well, if you don't count the above mentioned "E. coli Farms" in central California.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It's Not About You...

How flattering that Iran thinks Americans have the savviness to recognize the movie "300" as a cultural insult to Iranians. They have accused this film of being an instrument for intentional cultural warfare. Here's the news flash. Overall, we are as sagacious as our President, and we did elect him to serve a second term. That alone should be seen as a red flag. We were the last to discover the weighty significance of the painfully obvious Shia, Sunni and Kurd divisions abruptly brought to our attention by the current civil war, which seems to not have been penciled in on the "things that could happen after we invade" short list.

If we overlooked the civil war possibility do you really think America had the forethought to create a movie to denigrate your history and culture? Please, we aren't that deep. This movie was made without you in mind and you know why? You're brown, you don't speak english and you live waaay over there somewhere, translation: you don't exist and if you did you wouldn't count. Well that's not totally true Iranians developing nuclear capabilities has changed our tune a little. But still. America has a formidable track record with brown skin people but believe me "300" has nothing to do with you. A culturally inaccurate and insensitive film, probably, I haven't seen it yet so I don't know for sure. An intentional attack? We're not that sophisticated but thanks for the compliment.

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O.J. Part Deux

Here it is again. A judge ordering an auction to sell O.J.'s supposedly fictional tell-all, "If I Did It." It truly boggles my mind why this isn't... well I was gonna say why this isn't seen as harassment through the judicial system. What is more mind boggling is how I quickly forget things are not as they seem. All things are not equal through the eyes of man or the law and they haven't been. However, the notion of equality for all, under the law, is given so much lip service so often that after hearing it repeatedly I begin to believe it's true. It isn't. It hasn't been. Ever.

When the jury decided to acquit the defendant I thought that was the end it was over. Well at least on television right? Before O.J. and Blake wrongful death suits were filed against manufacturing companies, police departments and usually before any given summer ends a Six Flags or some other theme park. Those were the ones that were all over the newspapers. It is possible these civil suits against individuals acquitted of a crime have been the norm and I've not noticed but it just doesn't feel right. Being neither a fan, friend or foe of O.J. my reaction comes from the "it's the principle" of the matter.

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Monday, March 5, 2007


This blog isn't meant to be a just about race relations, not that there's anything wrong with that, but it just so happens that the past few weeks, maybe it being Black History month and all, there seemed to be more thought provoking articles worth mentioning. There were so many I didn't post and wanted to and maybe I still will but don't pigeon hole me just yet.

How Many Things are Wrong with this Picture?

Another national tragedy... can't help but wonder how many times this has happened under similar circumstances before it became newsworthy.