Friday, March 23, 2007

Zip Code Restricted Diet.

Rat poison was found to be the killer ingredient in the nationally distributed pet food. Again, one company creating most of the pet food, under various popular and not so popular brand names, 95 million cans and pouches have been recalled. They are acknowledging 15 deaths because of this contamination and we know they're low balling the number of fatalities. I do remember the e. coli tainted spinach that found it's way to the dinner tables nation wide. Sadly, I just found out this morning that the tainted spinach was from a farm here in California. This too was from one company serving the masses. If I'm not mistaken, Taco Bell had some sort of national bacteria scare because of centralized distribution of ingredients. If you squint your eyes and tilt your head a little to the right you might see a pattern. These types of mishaps are becoming more frequent and I suspect a major loss of human life will have to happen before improved quality control procedures are put in place. Local farmer's markets are looking more appealing. Well, if you don't count the above mentioned "E. coli Farms" in central California.

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